Poppy Explores Heidelberg
Up early, brecky scoffed we were off. We left camp and got a bus into town. Heidelberg is quite a big town and very old. It also has lots of great smells everywhere. Poppys loves the old town because there are no cars and it means Poppys are allowed off leash. I found a fountain but it had no water.

Enough of this lets explore more.

Plodding through the old town I was amazed at the amount of shops, I mean there were much more than Shawlands. As Mr Sun got higher in the sky it got hot. Mum said we should cross the bridge and find somewhere cool for a picnic. Sounds good to me mum. We found a bench by the river, it was smashing. I got to cool my paws down before picnic.

Picnic was grand I got cheeses and hams. It was then I saw something funny. Flutterbys. Lots of them. Poppys loves to chase flutterbys, even when it’s hot.

After picnic we headed back to town before we went over the bridge I found a good place to catch some shade.

Hot hot hot, too hot. Even the pavement was hot. I had to take lots rest stops in the shade. I don’t likes nasty cool coat but needs must. Dad I’m going nowhere.

Dad carried me to the bus stop where there were a lot of German peoplesees with cases of daft juice all singing at the bus stop. Their starting early dad, no? “There is a football game on tonight Poppy” he said. Mmmm even so if they keep going like that they’ll no make it. We got off the bus at Neckargemund were the campsite was. Neckargemund was a really nice wee village, it was still hot though. Dad found a fountain and made cool coat soft and cool again. Good dad.

We also kept to streets that had shade as we made our way back to camp. It was still hot though. Dad was nice and carried me over the really hot parts of the pavement.

Back at camp I kept cool by going under Betsy or jumping into her for a lie down infront of the fan. Sometimes I would just stay in the shade watching the boats go by. Lazing about the peace was shattered by splashing in the river. I jumped to the bank. Oh no! One of my German cousins was in the river! WOO WOO WOO WOOOOF! Dad Mum come quick. Look, Westie in trouble, he’s in the water, save him! “Poppy, not all Poppys can’t swim, look he is OK he is having fun” said dad. Mmmmm not too sure about that, better keep an eye on him, make sure he is OK.
The rest of the afternoon was uneventful, dinner to night was at the Alte Scheune in Neckargemund. Mum and Dad loved the German noodles, I loved the schnitzel. Mmmmm full tum.
Back at camp it was very busy. Everyone was watching a huge screen. We sat down with them Mum said Germany were playing football. Dad went back to Betsy and came back with daft juice. We stayed to watch the game. At one point it was stopped because of the rain. They don’t do that in Scotland do they dad?
When the game was stopped dad went to get more daft juice, that’s when the calamity happened. Mum turned round quickly and knocked the bottle of wine over….SMASH! she then turned back and knocked her glass of wine over……SMASH! When dad got back he had a quick tidy up operation to do. MMMM me thinks it’s time to get back to Betsy.