Boat trip to Mull
More adventures in Betsy, after morning walk with granpa we were speeding out of the city. Betsy crossed the big bridge and was heading for the mountains. She crossed the rest and be thankful, passed through Inveraray and was soon at Loch Awe. Are we going to Dalavich? “No Poppy it’s a surprise,” said Mum. I know where we are, we’re in Oban. Betsy trundled through the town and came to a stop a ferry terminal. We must be getting a ferry. Betsy has never got a ferry from here before, I wonder where we are going. The Ferry peoplesees wouldn’t let Betsy on the ferry he said we would have to wait for the next one. Well we might as well go explore. It was Jubilee weekend and peoplesees do strange things on Jubilee weekends, “Look Mum, they have put a hat on the post box!”

Mum needed something from the big shop, I led them the whole way there. I was here last year and know my way around. I led them all the way to mini, but mini wasn’t there. “Where’s Mini?” “We came in Betsy Poppy, that’s where Mini was last year Poppy” said dad. Oh, OK. Shopping done, we plodded back down to the harbour. As we got there a huge ferry was coming into the bay. “Suppose we better get back to Betsy” said dad. Mmmm we better hurry.

Betsy took us into the ferry’s mouth and soon we were up on deck. As ferry started to pull away from Oban a nasty jet ski zoomed past, grrrrrrrr ROUGH ROUGH ROUGH! I chased it away dad!

The ferry passed by lots of small boats as it left the harbour.

Soon Oban was disappearing into the distance. Mmm “OK Mum, where are we going?” “We are going to Mull Poppy” she said. Mmmm strange way to go to Mull.

It was a nice day for a boat trip, much better than the last time we got a ferry to Mull. The sky was howling that day I got drenched. What’s that white building? “Lismore Lighthouse” said dad. Oh.

Lighthouse passed the ferry turned and soon we could see the Island. It passed a castle and started to slow down.
Just at that moment Mum’s talk box started to ring. It was my uncle Jimmy in Americas. When uncle Jimmy calls mum is on talk box for ages. He better be quick this time because Mull is getting very close.

Mum was talking to Jimmy until the ferry was telling us to get back to Betsy. Soon it opened its mouth and we were all on the Island of Mull. Betsy hurried up the island road to a place called Salen where she found a good spot to rest. I got put on long leash as Mum and Dad setup camp.

It’s a good spot you picked Betsy, Poppys are going to like it here. Din dins tonight was a pizza from a van that came to camp. It was Dad’s first pizza in months. I think he liked it. After din dins Mum put on my Scotland jersey. We are playing a world cup qualifiers tonight against a place called the Ukraine Betsy was all hooked up to tinternets and she had already got the game on TVs. Mone Scotland!