Poppy goes to the city
Yesterday we went for a walk round home park. Although the weather was not too great the park was very busy, and dad was moaning about people not keeping their distance. Dad recons the park is full because we are now in a tier 4. I have no idea what a tier 4 is or any other tier! What I do know is tier 4 makes for a very busy park.
Mum had an idea for where we could play ball and it would be nice and quiet. Where we going Mum? I asked as we were getting into mini. “We are going into the city centre Poppy” Mmmmm The only time I go to city centre is when Dad picks you up at night times after pubs. This is day times. Mini found a place to rest and we all got out. Strange, dad let me off leash! Never been off leash in city centre before. Dad chucked the ball on the bridge, mum was unhappy because she thought it would fall in the Clyde.
On the other side we crossed a big road, on the other side lots of peoplsees were working away building a new tower block. We stopped so dad could photo of a big Billy Connelly painting.
Where are we going to play ball? Well did we find a place. It was a huge street called Buchanan Street that had lots of shops in it. Dad why all the shops shut? Where are all the peoplsees? “Tier 4 Poppysocks” Mmmm so in tier 4 all the peoplsees leave the city and go to home park, now I know why it was so busy yesterday. Anyway, Ball Ball Ball
Buchanan Street is great for ball. It bounces dead high and the shops make great walls to bounce it off. No peoplsees no dogs, the whole street is my playground! Dad stop a mo. Can I get that coat for christmassees?
Around the next corner more places to play ball. This time with steps! Poppys loves steps, even more with Ball!
We left the square up another silent street to the place where mum gets her hair cut. I have never seen it so quite. In day times it is usually very noisy with busses and cars, Today I get to play ball where normally I would be squished by a bus. Tier 4 is great!
Next up George Squares. I have been to George Squares before, dad would walk me here when we were waiting for Mum to come out of hair dressers. I was never allowed off leash though. Look at the space dad. Dad booted the ball for miles and got to chase it everywhere. Look dad Christmasee Tree!
Behind Christmassee Tree was a very odd place. It was separated from square with a red rope. Poppy no! shouted dad as I went to explore. Mmmm the rope it to keep peoplsees out not Poppys. If I was not allowed in why have they put down all my calling cards?
We left the squares and went through the empty streets to Argyle Street, more space to play ball, look at the size of that reindeer, no wonder they have got it in a cage!
Mum said it was time to head back as football was on telly so off we went back down argyle street. One last time to play ball. Dad what’s that noise?, it sounds like a car. Mum shouted me to come and poor dad had to chase ball!
When we got to St Enoch mum disappeared! Dad where mum go? She has gone into Tesco Poppy. I don’t like it when mum goes into shops by herself. Dad she has been ages, is she ok?
After an age mum came out, we headed back to the river, over the bridge and back to Mini. Tier 4 is a funny state of affairs, peoplsees in parks instead if city centres, Poppys in city centres instead of parks. This is a very strange year.