Poppy goes to Dalavich
When mum came home from work she packed some food grabbed some bags and put them into Mini. Dad had been taking bags out to mini all morning. MMM normally I would be thinking adventures but why mini and not Betsy? We all went into Mini, mum was driving. We drove for ages and ages and ages. Way past Loch Lomond up into the mountains. When we got to a village called Taynuilt mum and dad swapped places and dad drove down the wee road all the way to Kilchrenan. I have been here before when we went to Ardanaiseig.
Mini never took the road to Ardanaiseig she went the other way instead. Mmmm where you taking us Mini? One thing for sure were not going home tonight. On and on she went zooming down the country lanes slowing down at every corner. The road was small so small that she had to stop every time a car came because there was only room for one car. On and on she went but before the darkness came she pulled off into the woods. We bumped along the lane until she came to a halt at a small hut. Is this where we are going? Dad opened the door and bags were ferried from mini into the hut. By the time we were finished I was shattered. I think this chair will do for the night.

I woke up the next day at the bottom of my new bed. Will we go into the village. Dad put equi fleece on me because he thought I was going to get mucky.

We followed the sign post from the cabin down a slippy path that led to the village. Dad? There is a river where the path should be. I think I can jump it but it might be too slippy for mum.

We had to find another way. I ran back past mini and hut. This way dad this way. The best things about adventures is no leash. I love to run sniff what I want and catch up with mum and dad, my way. No yanks or tugs bliss. Across a big field I found funny looking mushrooms, they were red with white spots on them. I went to investigate, oops broke it. Not strong these are they?

We plodded into the village sniff mmmmm sausages! I looked up at dad. “Not yet Poppy”. Dalavich was a very small village it took no more than a few wags of my tail before we were out the other end. I plodded down to the water, it was very cold, not going in that!

The path went onwards through the woods and came out at a stone park.

Stone parks means BALL.

This was a good stone park. The grass was soft on my paws, but all this playing makes me hungry. Sausages Dad?

On the way we passed through a big garden where peoplesees grew food, they even had the yellow raspberries that grow in our garden. A short walk along the road we were back at the post office where the sausages smell was coming from. Dad found a place for us to sit and mum went in.
The post office was very busy. A large table was playing bingo. The table next to ours were getting drinks, their dog was jealous because I had sausages and he had nothing!
After lunch we went down to the shore where the man from lunch was taking his clothes off. I looked up to mum, mum? He then started to walk into the water! Dad is he mad? “I think it’s the drinks Poppy” said dad. Ahh daft juice. It was then I saw the pier. Lets go to the pier.
Mum and dad talked to the man who went into the water. He said it was very cold, pah, I could have told him that, did he not just ask his dog? He was looking frozen down to his paws. It was time to leave when his dog “claimed” mum’s bag, good job dad spotted that!
We plodded along the shore and found another pier to explore.
Further along we came to the path that was still a river so headed back along the shore.
Eventually I found a way up and back to the hut, mum dad it’s this way.
Back at the hut mum was very happy because she had opened the hot tub. Mums loves hot tubs. Me I don’t like getting wet, hot tubs are stupid. Get you wet and they smell icky.
Mum and dad were in hot tub for ages. I went for a snooze, mmm they are still in there better get them out they will dissolve if they are in there any longer.
All dry dad watched the football from the shouting from the bedroom I think it was a good game. Apparently, Scotland did well.
It was getting late and I was tired time for bed.