Stones and Sands
We woke up and the sun was shining. Dad took me for a walk round camp and we got ready for the off. Today we are going to a stone park called the Calanais stone circle. They were built ages ago, before there were Poppys on the planet. When we got there a sign said Poppys must be on leash. Good job Poppys can’t read. It was quite busy with peoplsees, dad was getting annoyed because every time he went to to take a picture a peoplseeswould walk in front of him. I got them back by playing in the middle of the circle, all their pictures will have a poppy in it. After a game of ball mums phone went and she had to speak to her boss. Me and dad played ball.
Where to next Dad? “We are going to another island called Great Bernera Poppy” said dad. Islands means Beaches, beaches means ball! Betsy found the wee road, soon we were leaving Lewis and crossing a bridge to Great Bernera. Betsy slowed to a halt and we all got out. We followed a path through the dunes, dad I can see the sea!
More sea more sand more ball. What’s this beach called? “Its called Bosta Beach Poppy” said dad, Its good for playing Ball.
sun, sea, sand, paddling, ball, bliss

Back in Betsy we headed back to camp but instead of going to Kneep, Betsy kept on going. She stopped at a shop in a place called Uig to ask for directions and was off again. She found a nice place to rest and we headed to the sand dunes. Where are we now? “We are at Ardroil Beach Poppy” said mum.

Ardroil Beach is BIG, when I say big I mean BIG!

The water here was very warm a bit too warm for me but dad liked dipping his toes in the water.

The good thing about this beach is the sand dosent get in my eyes when I pounce on the ball. After a good wee while we started back, I was tired because the beach was so big.

Back at betsy we discovered that we could stay here for the night if we wanted, can we? “We have paid for the other camp Poppy” said dad.
We got back to Kneep and the sun was still shining, “Might as well play on our beach then. Your right Poppy” said Dad.