End of the line
It was our last day in Runswick Bay and dad thought it would be nice to explore the village and do the circuit. We said goodbye to the Chingwell contingent and headed down the hill. Dad left me off lead when we got there.
instead of going to the beach we went along the main road
there were lots of lanes to explore
I even found one that took us straight to the beach
On the beach I played with a Jack Russel in the sea
Dad said he was a ball thief, so we never played ball when he was around
I decided to investigate the Hob Holes to se if I could find one of these Hobs, Not in here mum.
At the top of the cliff there were a lot more peoplsees today, The wind had gone away and the fields were not dancing as much.
We made to the station and played some ball on the platform
Retracing our steps from the other day when we got to the house after bridge 4 two dogs were getting their mum to chase them. For us it was the end of the line.
As we were coming back to Betsy, mum and dad were admiring a garden. The old peoplsee who owned it showed mum and dad around it, she even took us through her garage to see her back garden!
Later that night we went out for dinner to the Badger Hound, most of the camp site was there! I liked it lots because I got Burger and Fishees!