Tasty Bites
I have been getting Tasty bites cheesy nibbles ever since I was a pup. Mum and dad used them to make me do my home work. I learned how to sit, lie down and role over with these. I do a trick I get a Tasty Bite! I love these Grrrough!

Tasty bites are cheesy and beefy all in one go. I get them when ever mum or dad wants me to do something, like pose for a photo or stop trying to steel sausage from their plates.

Tasty bites can turn up in strange places
I have found them inside Kong and Buffalo Horns.
I always get Tasty Bites at bed time. Dad gives me two to get me up the wooden hill. Mum gives me three in bed before I go to cushion. I loves tasty bites.

(from dad)
Tasty Bites are a small treat which are good for training. When poppy was very little we use to tear them into quarters. Sometimes we use to break them into even smaller chunks and put them on her dinner for a bit of added spice if she was not eating.

We always have a spare bag of these in the house. Because they are so small and you get a lot of them in a bad Tasty Bites last a long time.
Tasty Bites are cheesy beefy goodness, bestis in the whole wide world ever grrrrrrrough.
4 paws from me