Its Cold Outside
It has been cold here for a bit, I even had to wear a shumper in the house! Morning patrol was very crispy. At home the back garden pond was frozen solid. Dad had to get a hammer to smash through the ice.

I think the fishees are OK Dad.

One good thing about the cold weather is that Linn Park is not muddy, all the mud goes solid. This means Linn Park is on the menu. We Jumped into Blue and were offski. At Linn even the White Cart was frozen in places.

Mum and Dad shimmied by the barrier that blocks the path down to Snuff Mill, it was easy for me I just went under it. Soon we were climbing the side glen on the other bank of the river. Over the hill and back down to the White Cart we found a peoplesee with a lost doggy, poor thing was frightened, hope she finds its dad.

Ended up it was with a dog walker, she will be for it when she takes the doggy home. We followed the river till we came to the waterfall, at least it’s not frozen solid.

The next bit of the path was very slippy as we headed to the top of the waterfall.

Time to head back to Blue and cross the river again. The bridge was looking good in the ice. Better use the bridge to cross.

Poppys loves Linn Park.