Last night me and dad slept down ladder in Betsy. Mum got the whole up ladder bed to herself. Dad has not managed to get up the ladder since he hurt his leg in Silverdale. That was ages ago.
This morning we were going to hunt sea monsters called dolphins. We walked along the beach, I was not too convinced by this bit of beach. Too meny rocks not enough sand. I kept going up to the grass path and finally mum and dad got the message, much better up on the path. We played with ball among the gorse, I had to be careful gorses are spiky and can prick you if the ball goes into them.
We came to the sea and mum got some really big glasses out of her bag and started to stare at the sea, dad was talking to an old man, I ran between the two of them jumping up on them. Mum I’m here, run to dad, Dad look I’m here. Eventually dad played with me.

We stayed there for ages, dad said he saw a dolphins, I never saw one neither did mum, I don’t believe him, what is a dolphins anyway? We walked along a golf course to a place called Fortrose,on the way I met two distant cousins, the daisy was in a bad way she had the Westie Itch. All her coat was bedraggles and was bare in several places.
In Fortrose I met a little boy, he was a smart little boy and knew how to introduce himself. I let him pet me, he even through the ball for me. We walked into the village and got rolls for lunch. I was getting tiered it was time to walk all the way back to Betsy.
Back in betsy we had lunch and I got some turkey, yuuuuuuuummmmmm the walk had taken it out of us. The sun was out and Betsy warmed p so much she sent us all to sleep.