Big night out. I was tired but we had to go to Fortrose. It was a long walk. We stopped at the co-op and mum picked up some pizza for dinner tomorrow.
We walked to the corner and went into a pub called The Anderson. I was welcomed as soon as I got there. we were led to a really nice room with a fire and tables and chairs. A man came over and gave me a biscuit. I didn’t take it because I did not know him. I was tied to a chair and the man told mum to let me loose, he then told me to explore and petted me, well with an offer like that off I went to explore the pub. He came over again and introduced him self gave me a clap and then did something odd. He opened up the floor and vanished into the ground! When he came back he gave mum a Philly sandwich and dad got a burger. The nice man convinced me I should take a biscuit, I did and it was good.

I got some of dads burger and a bit of mum’s steak. Dad helped out behind the bar but it was getting late time to go back to Betsy and bed. The Anderson is a very Poppy friendly place and I will come back here.

When we got back to Betsy mum put the pizzas under the van, it was cold so they would stay fresh since there was no space in the fridge it was as good a place as any.