Lazy Sunday
I woke up at the bottom of the bed, dad was missing so I had lots of space to stretch. Shaky, Shaky, Wakey, Wakey and big big stretches. I jumped off bed and plodded through to the big room. Sniff, Sniff, where’s dad? Kitchen? Nope. Mmmm what’s he doing in the bag room? Looks comfy I’ll just leave him and go for a rest on couch.

It was a very lazy Sunday, the sky was grey but at least you can see the hills today. Mum and dad plodded about I watched them, couldn’t be bothered to see what they were up to so put my head down and closed my eyes. A while later we got our acts together, where we going? “Sunday Lunch” said mum. Mmmmm sausages again? YUM! Out we went. Mum why we going in mini? Sausages are just round the corner? Well no sausages. Why we here at Kilchrenan? We Explored the hamlet because we were a little early, I even explored the school.

The peoplesee in the inn looked surprised when they saw me so we had to wait outside until they made a place ready for us. Good job they had a tent because the sky started to cry. I was a good lunch I had my usual Dentisticks and also got some Sunday lunch from mum and dad. When we got out the sky had stopped crying. Mum I could do with a walk. Mini headed back towards Dalavich when she stopped so mum and dad could look at the view.

She set off again down the wee road when we saw a dog all by itself, Dad, where is it’s peoplesees? She jumped through a hole in the fence. “She will be the farms dog Poppy” said dad, Suppose so. Just before Dalavich Mini pulled of the road and had a rest. We all got out, where we going? “Avich Falls” said dad, Oh ok then.

We walked through the woods up a path when I heard a peoplesee shouting my name. As he got closer he spoke to mum and dad. “You haven’t seen a dog have you? She escaped from our lodge and somebody said they saw her up here” Dad told him she hadn’t come this way and asked him if she was light beige. The peoplesee said yes. Dad told him about the dog we had seen on the road coming here. The man ran off shouting POPPY. We will keep our noses alert I told him. Lets go.

We followed the path I was sniffing everywhere no Poppys but we did find a big waterfall!

Back at mini dad thought we should do the Dalavich Oakwood Walk, OK dad lets go. This was a longer walk. To start we headed up the hill, according to the sign we were going to see fantastic views of Loch Awe. Trees everywhere, all I could see was trees moss and toadstools. Up and Up we went all I could see was trees. Back down then? Down we went, over bridges nothing but trees.

Dad I think the signpost was telling porkies. It should have read A walk up a hill covered in trees. Let’s get back to mini

When we got back to the hut, I spotted a red squirrelsees but it scarpered before I could get out and chase him. Mum and dad got ready for hot tub, what is it with them and the hot tub, it’s not good for you. Outside we could still hear peoplesees shouting “Poppy” in the distance. Mmmm Poppy will be very scared separated from her mum and dad. I hope she finds her way back. Nothing I can do think I’ll go for a nap.
Update on Lost Poppy