Yesterday after he had finished his work Dad was buzzing about the house packing bags moving them into the hall. Wonder where we are going? I knew I wasn’t going to be left behind because my cushion, food and treats were on the pile. As soon as Mum came home the bags started to move into mini and in 5 wags of a puppy’s tail we were off.
First Mini headed for Embro, then she headed for Englandshire just before she got there she pulled off the big road and entered a village called Eyemouth. Mini took us to a campsite, odd we are not in Betsy, is she here? When mini stopped we were outside a huge caravan. The owners let us in. Much bigger than Betsy I had a sniff about, what’s this? It’s got an inside toilet! I went for a pee when mum screamed “POPPY! STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” Dad was not happy he shouted at me and put my nose on my pee and slapped my nose. Mum and Dad would not talk or pet me for ages afterwards. I guess its not an inside toilet, how was I meant to know?

Bad feelings all over I watched TV with mum and dad, I got back into their good books by protecting them from the wolves on TV.

I was a long day and after my night-time patrol I was shattered, can we go to sleeps?

I woke up at the bottom of the new bed. After a quick brecky we left the camp and followed the sent of the sea. At the bottom of a long set of steps we were on the beach. Poppys loves beach and this one even has rocks for me to climb on!

Beach means one thing BALL!

After a good play we plodded through the town to the harbour, lots of nice smells in the harbour. At the top end I found a bridge, lets cross and go up to the castle. Up the hill we went, dad look, castle mmm this one is not as big as the ones in the land of dragons. “Its called Nisbits Tower Poppy its not a castle” he said. That’s why it’s so wee then?

The Tower sat on a hill over looking the Eyemouth harbour and was surrounded by lots of grass great for playing ball.

Suppose we should explore the harbour, can we go down? On this coast in the harbours the smells are always lobtersees and crabsees, they smell great!

It was time to go back to the caravan, can we go back along the beach? Joy! Back to the beach, ball? Again, again, again!
That was great but I think I could do with a nap, time to go to caravan?
At the caravan mum was trying to get a taxi booked. We were going to a place called Heathers for dinner. It was a big walk from the caravan, even further away than the tower. Eventually mum managed to get one and it would meet us at the park entrance. True to its word it was there. We all piled in and soon we were at a big building in the middle of the dark. We went through the corridors, up stairs and into a big room where a peoplesee gave us a table in the corner.
Where is the food I’m starving!
Dindins was good the nice chef even gave us some smoked salmonsees to take home, yum. There were no taxis in Eyemouth so we would have to walk back. The peoplsees in Heathers said the quickest way was down the hill. Well what an adventure for mum and dad. They don’t have as good eyes in the darkness. Don’t worry I will lead you down the hill. Good job it’s not raining ahe mum?
Safely back we settled in for the night, tomorrow is another day.