Castle Cary Creetown
I was all excited about our first Betsy trip of the year. Betsy has been sleeping all winter. As she trundled down the big road to Englandshire something when wrong and she pulled over to the side of the road. Dad got out and had a look at her but couldn’t see anything wrong so she continued on her way. It wasn’t until Dumfries that Dad spotted plumes of black smoke coming out of her side. Mmmm that cant be good. She pulled over again and Dad gave her a wee drink of oil. Mum said we were nearly there so Betsy limped to the campsite at Castlecary. “Is Betsy going to be OK Dad?” “I don’t know Poppy” he said. All the worrying over Betsy made me tired so I snuggled up on her front seat and went to sleep.

Next morning we decided to go out as there was nothing we could do for Betsy. Across from our pitch was a castle. Lets go explore. You couldn’t get into it but Mum and Dad were more interested in the Laird’s Inn that was attached to it. We will be coming here for dinner Poppy.

Walking along the path I came across big white birds a bit like swans. Poppys know swans are bad news, so I kept my eye on these guys.

Then I got a funny smell, sniff, sniff sniff sniff. Whats that? It’s not Horsees or Cowsees. I gave dad a look, “Donkeys Poppy”, he said. Mmmm Donkees, I remembered donkees from before, Donkees chase Poppys. Don’t get too close Mum. To my amazement she fed them some of my carrots. She better not feed them any of my treats or I’ll be well miffed.

We left camp along a mucky path so mucky dad lifted me till it dried up. At the end we explored a poetry garden. It was great, it had rocks to climb on.

Further on we entered woods that had a river running through it high above Creetown.

Again, the paths became mucky and I had to be carried. It suited me though. I have not walked this much since my operation and I was getting tired. I walked my wee paws right off. Mr sun came out and I was hot. Nice mum took off my equafleece for me.

Back at camp we got ready for din dins. It was up beside the castle.

Dinner was great but the bestis bit was the nice waiter who gave me the bestis bestis bestis treats I have had in a long time, yummy ducky bites from the Canine Menu. Very Posh treats, Very nice waiter!