Wakey wakey shaky wakey……THUD. Big streachies…., Hey ho lets go! OK I’m ready, hurry up. Betsy’s door opened I jumped out before Mum or Dad could put long leash on me. Ha weren’t expecting that! Mum and Dad caught up as I went to walk round the bay. I looked back and could see Betsy sleeping in the trees. Good to see she had some shade.

As we went on it got warmer. So warm I had to dip my paws in the loch to cool down. Mmmmmm nice.

At the end of the bay we decided to head into the village. It got hotter and hotter. In the village Dad managed to get a sticker for Betsy, she will be pleased. Plodding though the place we ended up at the church and then the stone park. At the stone park Dad soaked my cool coat with water, well it was getting crusty.

We stopped in at the co op where dad was buying some daft juice, I stayed in the shade. When dad came out he spotted a vespa. Dad is a sucker for vespas, Poppys think they are nasty smelly noisy things. I don’t get them. They make me cough.

It was a long walk back to Betsy and very hot. Most of the time I could walk in the shade. Dad, this place is almost as hot as Heidelberg. “It’s OK Poppy, I’ll carry you when the pavement gets too hot” said Dad. You better or I’ll not be chuffed.

Some of our short cuts back were not quite right, like walking through a tunnel that was for cars only. Exploring the top end of Calceranica was a bit of a mistake, nothing much there. We did find a nice path by the river that took us all the way back to Betsy safe and sound.

Late in the afternoon something changed. Dad went out to get supplies because we were eating in tonight. When he came back he was wet. Mmmmm sky crying dad? It was worse. I could feel disaster in the air, I was feeling edgy. Then it happened, BANG! The sky was mad and it was coming to get me. I started to shake. I crawled to the front of Betsy where it’s a bit safer and stayed there till it all went away.

Ages later Mr Sky stopped shouting at me and Mr Sun came out to say hello before he went to bed. All this shaking makes Poppys tired. Time for bed.