Poppy bags Venice
We left camp after brecky and walked across the road to a bus stop. Mmmm where we going, going by bus anyway. Dad attached nasty mussel to my leash. Don’t even think about putting that thing on me. Bus came and we got on. Poppys likes this bus its so cool, dad said it was because of air con. Poppys dont know what air cons is but I likes it. The bus went over a long bridge when we got out my nose told me I was on an island. Lets explore!

Venice is weird, the roads are canals and the pavements can be very large but also very small. It’s quite a busy place but has hundreds of new smells.

We wandered around, Dad says the best way to visit Venice is to get lost in it. Well dad was doing his best to do just that. Crossing a canal is a lot safer than crossing a road. You cant get run over crossing a canal.

Venice was hot but thanks to all the shade from the buildings and the breeze off the water it was much better than Vrsar. I went to take a drink from the canal when dad went tonto and shouted ” NO! POPPY NO! You don’t drink the canal water, its bad for you.” But Dad I’m thirsty.

Over another bridge down another narrow lane over another bridge and suddenly it became very bright and hot.

That’s when dad spotted something. Before I knew it he picked me up and plonked me into a bath. Poppys do not like nasty baths. This bath was different, it did cool my paws and I did get a nice big drink out of it.

The further we went into Venice the busier it became. I had to go on a short leash at some parts because there were so many peoplesees. Dad said it was because of a famous bridge that everybody wants to see. When we found the bridge I was not impressed. Its not as if it was the forth rail bridge.

We left the peoplsees behind and went down some quiet streets. Here the peoplesees got taken around in funny taxi boats that the drivers all wore stripy tops.

As we turned a corner It got really busy. Dad why are all the peoplesees here? What’s so special? There aren’t even any good smells and lots of pesky pigeons!
It was lunchtime so we left the square and found a quiet spot where the taxis hung out.
Mum and Dad had sandwiches, I got cheese ham and carrots followed by a big drink of water.
An Australian peoplesees stared talking to Mum and Dad, He was amazed that I had come all the way from Scotland to visit Venice. I let him pet me but I neaded to let din dins settle.
It was getting very hot now and very very busy. We made our way back through the town only getting lost once or twice. Our bus was in when we got to the bus park and I was soon in air con loveliness. Back at camp we had a strange neighbour. What’s that dad? “Its a dragonfly Poppy”. Mmmm Do they sting? Can I bite it?