Something is up. Last night mum and dad kept going to mini and my favourite toys went missing. Now it’s Saturday and I’m getting woke up at stupid o’clock and getting dragged out for a walk in the rain. Something is defiantly up.
Mum dried me picked me up and took out to mini, dad was sitting in the passenger seat so mum put me on his lap. It wasn’t long before I curled up and went to sleep. Mini drove and drove when I woke we were going past Glen Coe. I remember the last time we were here, good walks. Mini didn’t stop though she kept going. When mini eventually rest we were at a boat stop in Oban. We must be going on a ferry. I hope it’s not like the last one, I got locked in mini on the last one and wasn’t allowed out. We were early so mum went to the shops, just as she headed off the skys opened and rain battered off the car. Dad made me go for a walk because the boat was going to take a long time to cross sound to Craignure. Great Mum, soaked, me soaked, dad soaked. At least I found out where we were going, we were going to the Island of Mull.
The boat opened its huge mouth and a man in uniform told mum to drive mini into its mouth. Once parked it I started to bark mum, dad don’t leave me in mini like the last time! As soon as the door was open I was off! We went to the lift because dad still had a sore leg, I was happy with this the steps on boats are just too steep for poppys. Mum and dad found a place to sit, I got to sit on mum. I like sitting on mum because you can see lots of things from up high, not just legs and feet. There were lots of other dogs here to and I got to say hello to them. Just then the boat started to shake and the peoplsees all looked out the windows. Gruff nudge Gruff nudge dad let me see. Dad picked me up and put me on the window sill, we were moving leaving the land behind.

After I had my treats dad took me for a walk, we went outside, It was cold and wet and there was a nasty dog that was mean to me so I wanted to go back inside, I thought I better leave a marker so I knew not to come back here. As soon as we got in I left one at the door. Dad looked horrified “Poppy what are you doing?” ”You are lucky I have tissue paper” he was not happy.
Soon we were back in mini and dad was not angry with me anymore. Mini rolled off the boat I pawed the window to make it go down so I could get a smell for the place. Mmmmm smells of lobsters. We were going to a place called Tobermory. The road was normal until we came to Salen and then it shrunk to single track, mini slowed but we were in no hurry. We got to the Western Isles Hotel early, no rooms ready for us, so we went to explore Tobermory.

Down to the town smells everywhere, the weather was not the best but I didn’t care. We walked down a steep path to the harbour and walked round the bay. At the distillery mum went into a shop. I hate it when she does that, she was in the shop for ages, so I tried to open the door by pawing it. The door wasn’t working. I tried again this time while whining by best whine. A man opened the door and told dad I could come in. Nice man. Mum wanted to get some boots but the shop was not going to be open tomorrow, she couldn’t take them with us on a walk. The nice man said he would keep the shop open till we came back, mum was very happy.
Onwards along the path that hugs the coast to Aros Park, off lead bit of rain and mud what could go wrong? All was well until I picked up a sent. This was not a good sent, this sent meant danger this sent said no place for poppys, I put the brakes on. Mum and dad tried to make me go on but I could only shake. I wouldn’t go further even for treats. Eventually I plucked up the courage to move I don’t like this, the smell faded and all I wanted was to be out of there. A little further dad had to turn back his leg was getting sore and he was wet. Back we went. Back to the scary steps. Just before we got there two big dogs came out of nowhere, I was separated from mom and dad. I tried to get back but they bared my path. Dad came to the rescue. Mum, Dad, I don’t like it here can we go back? Dad said “its ok wee yin, let’s get back”.
When we got to the bay the rain was easing. Mum took me down to the jetty and dumped me into the sea, it was freezing, Mum I’m not that dirty! Dad said I was bogging, thanks dad. The shop as promised was still open and mum got her new boots after we headed back to the hotel.
We all entered the hotel together. It was a nice old Hotel with a big staircase and windows overlooking the sea. At the big wooden reception desk there was a nice lady smiling at us, at that point I noticed nice dog smells and joy they even had a reception dog to great me. I said hello and we played for a bit till mum and dad took me to my room, now that’s service!