I’m on the lead today boooo. It might be because last night I made dad chase me for ages. Silly dad,he is way too slow for me. It would have been longer but he cornered me in the childrens play area. I won’t make that mistake again.

All is good, we went to the beach and I got to play ball. We walked for miles, mum and dad kept shouting at me to stay away from the jelly monsters, I don’t know why, no way could they do me any harm. They don’t even move.

We got to the town. Strange peoples here don’t like poppys. Not allowed on the beach and got thrown out the castle.
They did have one thing going for them, food I got a bit of sausage roll and later a bit of roll in potato scone with square. We are it at the train station so mum and dad could have a seat.
We got the bus back to camp, good job my paws were sore. Back in Betsy now, time for a nap.