An easy day today, Mum took me for my morning walk and we went back to the cottage for breakfast, another sunny day. Today we are staying local, first stop will be Moville. At Moville we walked around the town then down to the front where there was grass so we got to play with the ball. Peoplsees in Ireland don’t seem to clean up after their dogs. There was poo everywhere. I met one of my cousins down at the harbour. While we were there lots of peoplsees were getting into two row boats. According to the local they were going to the pub. They will be very thirsty when they get there. On the way back we went to my beach. I nearly lost my ball in the loch but dad got it back using a stick.

Yesterday mum checked that it was ok for me to come to Kealy’s Seafood Bar. We came for dinner. Lots of great smells here, I was so well behaved I got some fishy in batter, YUM I love fishys in batter.