Sun shining and off, Just me and dad. We woke up Betsy. Betsy was thirsty so she took us to Asda to get a big drink of diesel. off we went on another adventure. Betsy trundled along the big busy road as cars zoomed past us, she hasn’t went fast since her window injury. As soon as we set off she rolled off the big road and stopped at a place called Blantyre. Odd place to stop. We hung about for a bit then dad let me out, a bit of sniff about the back to Betsy. All of a sudden mum was there! Where did mum come from?

We rolled into camp, I remembered it from the last time, dad got out of Betsy and was not happy. Somebody was on Betsy’s space, it then started to rain and that made dads mood worse. Dad stomped of somewhere and came back a little while later. Mum was not happy but dad had calmed down. Betsy went backwards back onto the road and then went to a different spot, She seemed happy and went to sleep. That night I got off lead, I walked for miles to the end of camp and back. As soon as I got into Betsy I went to sleep.
The next morning after breakfast we went out. We went along the coast into town, suddenly there were lots of dogs everywhere and they were following us. I said hello to them. Mum and dad took me away down to the grass and the sea.

It was great off lead rocks and lots of smells. I climbed lots of rocks and walls and I am getting good at passing through kissing gates, they use to be dead hard for poppys.

Every hundred yards more and more to smell, climb and explore

The path came to an end and I met an old yorkie, he was very nice, I was probably too bouncy for him. At Cellardyke I got to climb the harbour wall.

Cellardyke is weird, peoplsees hang their washing out on the pier! Good job poppys don’t eat washing anymore!

Next stop anstruther. It was very busy. The Life boat peoplsees were letting every one into their house. Peoplsees were serving food on the street, it smelled great. I got to meet one of my cousins and I met the dogs I spoke to this morning in Crail, they must have followed me. I quick game of ball on the beach then to the bus stop because it started to rain.

The bus woman said I had to go upstairs because there was another dog on the bus. Why was this a problem? No Idea. When we got upstairs I could not belive my eyes. Poppys on TV!!

At Crail we wandered though the village and I met another cousin. I turned round and Mum had vanished! I was not happy at all. I wined and wined, out of nowhere she was there. I wish she would stop doing that.
We went along the cliff path to camp. at the end of the path there is lots of grass…Ball! Mum and dad wanted to take the path back to betsy, I had other ideas! I got the ball then went to the steep staircase that went down to the beach. Just as mum came up to me I dropped the ball. It bounced down the steps and it bounced and bounced all the way to the bottom. I went down to get it, I picked it up to fool mum and dad. They shouted at me to come back so I dropped the ball and pretended to come back up. I knew they would come down get it. Beach!
OK, so the short cut back to betsy was not as smooth as sand. It was a bit trickier than I first though, still quicker than the path though. Back to Betsy for a snooze I think.