We walked down over the fields past the church into town. From there we were going to follow a path to boggle hole and on along the cliffs to the ruins of The Peak alum Works. The cliff top walk was nice, the path down to boggle Hole was steep and mum and dad got worried when I went too far in front. We kept going across the fields looking down to the north sea. On the way back we went along the beach.

The cliffs were very scary, mum and dad kept me away from them. The cliffs were alive they roared and crashed. When the crashed the ground shook.

On the beach was an Ice Cream van, mum and dad got one each, no ice creams for poppys. We wandered about the old village up and down tiny streets nooks and crannies, It was time to go back to Betsy because tonight we are going to the Victoria Hotel for Dinner and I can come too.