Time to go home Betsy is all packed up after my walk we are off. But wait we are going the wrong way. Dad took us all the way to the end of the road and it was a small road we went down to a place called Aird.
Betsy turned around and we were off again. We passed Ardfern, Kilmartin, Lochgilphead and Inveraray. At Inveraray the man in the motorhome behind chapped dads window, mum had left the over cabin window open! Window closed we were off again, this time heading for the other side of Loch Fyne.
When we got there mum and dad sneaked out and left me in Betsy! They were going for food at a place called Inver. Bad mum and dad. The made up for it though, when they got back we went for a walk.
We walked past the Inver, smelled good, through a wood and over a big wooden bridge. From there I could see MacLachlan House and Lachlan Castle.
This is a good walk, I get to play ball and sniff everything. Even better I get to storm a castle and get down to the water!
The sky became greyer time to get back to Betsy and home. All in all not a bad day for a west highland white.