Claviere and Cesana
Hi Wee Yin, Got here and decided to skip across to France to pick up a pizza from the same place as last year. When we got back to the pad had big time problems with the garage. By the time we settled and discovered no oven we resorted to cooking the pizza in a frying pan. By the time we got the telly going we managed to catch the last 15 minutes of the game, some result.
Next morning we got our ski gear and hit the slopes. Didn’t do too much just really to get our legs in. The boots I had were killing my ankle so came off early to change them. In the afternoon we went for a plod round the village.

Pretty as ever, it was surprisingly warm. We had a nice stroll along the golf trail, snow everywhere.

We finished where we started back at the ski depository and decided we deserved a drink. It’s no picnic this skiing.

Today we were back up the hill. The idea is to play on the Cesana side of the mountain. The sun was shining and everything was perfect

We went through small hamlets and tree lined trails occasionally down big wide motorway runs. Liked it so much we did it a few times all the way to the bottom.

For Lunch we went back to the Clavier side and stopped off at Rifugio Chalet Col Saurel. Bit of a wait for food but the view was nice.

We left the hill mid afternoon because we were coming back up for dinner this evening.

Well, I’ll sign off just now got to dress for dinner, we have a snowmobile to catch.