Wine Tasting
This morning a lady came up to Betsy and talked to Mum. “Come on Poppy lets go” said Mum as she picked me up and got into the lady’s car. Mmmmmm strange start to the day. The lady was a guide who was taking us on a wine tasting tour. She drove us up a small track up into the hills.

We got to a vineyard and got out. Another lady was there to meet us. She had a dog so I went to introduce myself. He was nice enough but quite quiet. I went for a nose around.

Mum and Dad liked the wine from here so much so that after some nibbles and one or three glasses of wine they bought three bottles and a glass to drink them out of.

Next the car bumped back down the hill and off to the next place. This winery was much larger than the last place. A girl gave us a tour of vats and bottling plant. Once again nibbles and more wine. Mum bought two bottles. Off again and another Vineyard. This time no nibbles but more wine.

The lady took us back to camp. Mum and dad thanked her as she drove off. Back at La Dolza I wanted to explore the ranch. I liked the straw bails they were good for jumping on. Poppys likes hay bails.

Sniff Sniff, I know that smell. Horsesees. I can smell them but where are they? Mum lifted me up so I could see them.

La Dolza had one problem and he was called Arno. He was a young huge big white doggy that wasn’t the sharpest tool in the box. He just wouldn’t take no for an answer. A few times I had to take a snap at him but still he didn’t get it. Eventually I just jumped into Betsy any time I saw him.

We were eating at the ranches kitchen tonight. Dad was worried because there were no prices next to menu items. La Dolza was very busy. There was a 18th Birthday party on but even at that all the tables were full.

The dinner was very nice and the bill was, thankfully for dad, not as bad as he thought it was going to be. As we got back to Betsy the car park was full and some cars were even parked next to Betsy. As ever the castle looked down on us from up on the hill.