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The Prosecco Vending Machine

The Prosecco Vending Machine

We went out with Betsy today. Mum wanted to go to the worlds only Prosecco Vending Machine. Betsy just about found a place to rest and went away to try and find it.

Prosecco Vineyards

On the way there I came across a strange shop. It wasn’t like any shop I have seen before. What’s the script Mum? “It is an honesty shop Poppy, It sells their own food and you pay for what you take” she said. So it’s a shop without peoplesees?

poppy the westie in an honesty vineyard

Outside I had a sniff about. So where do you think the vending machine is?

poppy the westie explores a vineyard

We wondered about climbing the hill, you could see for miles but still no vending machine.

the view from the prosecco dispencer

Almost at the top of the hill I found the machine. Mum this what you are looking for? There was a problem though. The machine needed ID to prove you were old enough to buy wine and Mum did not have an Italian ID card. As luck would have it a vineyard worky let mum use her card so jobs a good un.

poppy the westie at the prosecco vending machine

Wine all bought I went to the top of the hill for a play. Look Dad, you can see Betsy from here, just below those buildings.

poppy the westie playing in a vineyard

Well it was nice here, not too hot, not too cold perfect weather for playing. Its been a while since I wanted to run about daft. Dad catch me if you can!

poppy the westie running around a vineyard

When we got back to camp Dad decided we would eat in tonight. The only problem was what to eat. OK pasta. Mum pointed out we needed a sauce so we went to the village to see what we could buy. Dad came out of the local shop with two tins. “The locals recommend it” he said. Since we were here we went for a plod around the village.

poppy the westie in Valmareno

The village looked very different in the day time.


Back in camp Arlo was noseing around. I went to fend him off and had to take a snap at him. Stupid doggy.

Poppy the westie and Arno

The rest of the night was uneventful. We went for a last wonder about the ranch. We were heading off tomorrow.

Campsite La Dolza

Back at Betsy mum was confused, she was sure she left her crocks at the back of the van but they were nowhere to be seen. It’s a mystery.

Betsy last night in Valmareno

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