Poppy melts in Vrsar
Yesterday we went into town in the morning. Even in the Morning Vrsar is just too hot. I had my cool coat on and I was still hotter than I was in Rovinj. The walk into town was just sapping.

Even the pavements in the shade were warm. It was so hot I was too tired even to check p-mails.

In the old village there were nice views down to the sea.

I found a bit of shade that was a bit more bearable, a slight breeze came up from the sea but it was not exactly cool. Dad said it might be cooler down at the marina.

We started to plod through the square but it just got hotter and hotter

Sorry Dad but I was bushed. If we gow down to the marina we would have to come back up again. He knew I had a point.

He must have felt sorry for me because he carried me every time the shade disappeared and that was quite a lot.
Today we made a stoic attempt to get to the marina. Dad helped me out by carrying me when we were in full sun. When we got to the square I stayed in the shade as mum went into a shop.

OK, we will make an attempt to go down to the marina. Lets keep to the shade.

Down and down and down we went. The further we went down the hotter it got. We did make it to the marina but even next to the sea it was roasting. The other thing was there was no way to get my paws wet.
Been there done that, Dad can we go back to Betsy and nice Mr Fan? Dad carried me back up the hill. I was spent. On the way back to Betsy he stopped off at a wee shop to pickup fire lighters for tonight’s barbeque.
Back at camp it was still roasting. I spent the afternoon in Betsy with Mr Fan keeping me cool. Dad went to the campsite office to cut short our stay. We had done Vrsar and it was just too hot. The barbeque was good sausages YUM! After we went down to the beach to watch the sunset.