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Poppy goes to Ambleside

Poppy goes to Ambleside

We left Betsy and headed down to catch a bus to Ambleside. Well, it was some walk just to get out of camp. It must have been a mile to get to the bus stop. When the bus came it was a short ride down to the village. Ambleside was nice but it did have some strange houses.

poppy the westie at the bridge house ambleside

Dad look, even the wee houses have steps.

poppy the westie on the steps of the bridge house

We went for a plod around the village, it was quite pretty. Ambleside was ment to be on Lake Windermere. Well I never saw no lake suppose we better try and find it. We walked for at least a mile before we found it. A pattern is forming here.

poppy the westie at lake Windermere

Since we were going out for dinner tonight it was time to make our way home. Heading back I stumbled across a roman fort. Well it would be rude not to explore.

poppy the westie at the roman fort ambleside

Look Dad look how high up I am. You can see the pub from here.

poppy the westie explores ambleside

The walk back to Betsy was a long one. Dad, if Betsy is only two miles from the village how come it takes so long to walk back? Peoplesees down here don’t know long a mile is. Eventually we got back to Betsy. We had just enough time for a wee rest before we were off again, back down the hill to the bus stop.

poppy the westie after a day in ambleside

Well dinner was a nightmare. We got there early and as we walked past Lucy’s on a Plate THAT NOISE, Bell. Well I needed to get out of there as I started to pull Dad away from the noise suddenly that smell……VETS! It took me a while to calm down. Just as we got back to the restaurant two big dogs snarled and snapped at me. Mmmm I’m not looking Lucy’s on a Plate.

After dinner there was no way I was walking back to Betsy, thankfully Mum and Dad thought the same and ordered a taxi.

poppy the westie waits for taxi in ambleside

The taxi driver wouldn’t let me sit up on Dad, I wasn’t too happy but at least the taxi took us all the way up to the camps reception.

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