Castles and the Courie Inn
When I got up this morning Mum was already on her computer. Dad said she was trying to buy Oasis tickets. OK Mum get to it, I turned my attention to Dad. Well your not trying to buy tickets. I gave him a nudge….nothing. Mmmm, OK then time to use the magic paw. I pawed his leg with my paw and looked up at him. Still nothing. Humph, really? Magic paw this time with feeling. “OK Poppy lets go”. Ha always works. We just went for a plod round the camp, it was a very nice day, very welcome after the last two weeks of cold and rain. “Poppy well see the sun comes out on the last day of summer” he said as we walked towards the river. I was just glad Mr Sun came out at all.

We left Betsy and set off to explore the camp. It was great being outside with no Equafleece and Mr Sun beaming down on us.

After a quick once round camp we strolled towards the river that ran right through the camp. Dad said it was called The River Lochay. On the other side there were little boats all tied up and a very strange building right on the river. Dad its like your shed only on the river.

We crossed a bridge next to the camp and were going to a beach. Poppys loves beaches. On the way there something pricked my ears up. I saw two peoplesees coming out of some bushes, mmmmm what’s in there then. I shot off to investigate. Well what was in there was loads of smells, brilliant grass to run on and a castle! Joy.

After a good play it was time to head to the beach. It was a nice walk to the beach. The beach was not much to wright home about, pure pants for playing ball. So this is Loch Tay then?

Poppy’s loves being off leash so the paths by the loch were totally brilliant. I couldn’t be happier. Suddenly I got a strange smell. Sniff, sniff. Over there. The grass was too tall and thick to follow the trail, Mmmmm wonder what that was, good job it hid in the long grass.

I turned and went back to the loch side. There were a good few paddle boarders on the loch as well as four or five boats out with people fishing. Mmmm Poppy loves fishees. I felt a sudden itch, good thing the beaches on Loch Tay are wee, sand is rubbish for scratchies.

The path continued to another bridge that crossed back to the village side of the river and soon we were back on real roads. Mmmmm that means leash, boooo. Walking through the village we saw where we were going for din dins tonight, The Courie Inn, looks ok to me. See ya tonight Courie Inn. When we got to the wee bridge from yesterday I could see a whole new playground, lets go!

Look Mum! Lots of rocks to climb, go go go!
The rock water park was great fun. Lots of rocks to climb and plenty of nice sweet water when you get thirsty. This wee village has it all. Shops for mum. Castles, rivers, lochs and plenty of places to run For Poppys. It’s even got water rock climbing!
When we got back to Betsy Mum went back on computers for Oasis tickets again. She was a million billionth in the que. At five o’clock she got through. But, when she went to buy the tickets they cost a fortune. “Two tickets for the rear of the pitch for £750! What a rip off!” said dad, but he used different words! Things got worse. When we went for din dins the nice peoplsee at The Courie Inn spotted me and told Mum all the doggie places were full and she should have told them I was coming. She glanced down at me staring up at her, I soon had her in my magic gaze, she was powerless and found us a place in the bar. “Good job they don’t do ‘dynamic pricing’ here, It would cost us a fortune” said Dad. Well I got a seat for once, better here than in there Dad. In there I’m not allowed up, much comfier here, more space and a soft cushion to lay on. Bliss.
At the table next to us was an Italian, all he ordered was chocolate cake. It came, he ate it and left, very odd. Not seen that before Dad. Diner was good, fishees and chips, better still it was big. The bigger the plate the more for Poppys, YUM.