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Banned from the Islands

Banned from the Islands

Today we are going to the island of Katarina. I’m happy because Poppys loves islands. We set off bright and early. In the harbour there was a great big boat. I have never seen a boat like that before.

poppy the westie ready for her trip to the island

I didn’t even play draggies on the way into town. Dad did get my cool coat wet at the slipway and after I dipped my paws, cool coat on I was ready to go.

poppy the wetie trudges to Rovinj

Dad did carry me some of the way but when we reached town I was back on four paws as we had plenty of time to catch the boat. Dad bought the tickets and we stayed in the shade watching the world go by.

poppy the westie in Pietra Ive Rovinj

Dad bought the tickets and we stayed in the shade watching the world go by

Rovinj from ticket office

When the boat came in disaster. The boat peoplesees took one look at me and said NO! No Poppys permitted on boat. ??? They could have told us that yesterday or even when we bought the ticket. What is it with Croatia they hate Poppys so much? So much for bagging Katarina.

Island of Katerina

Mum started talking to another boat peoplesee. As I watched on as she booked a trip for tomorrow, not landing on islands but sailing round them, fair enough Poppys likes boat trips.

poppy the westie watching mum rovinj

What to do today then? Mum lets go to the pier so I can bark at the nasty boat peoplesees that hate Poppys! “OK Poppysocks lets do that”, she said. Grrrrrrrrrough rough rough! Hmmm that showed him.

Poppy the westie on pier at Rovinj

“Well we are here now Poppy we might as well properly explore the town” said Dad. Suppose so, as long as there are nice shady places to cool down.

poppy the westie in Ul Sv Kriza Rovinj

As we turned a corner I heard a lot of splashing. I looked down and in a tiny spit of land it looked like every one was cooling down by the sea. Not much space down there Dad, its not exactly Troon Beach.

locals in Rovinj

Walking round the hill the man at the top of the tower was looking over us. He was always stuck up there, don’t fancy his job much.

St Euphemia

On the main path Mr Sun was playing too hard. It was so hot even the pavements were getting burny. I had to find some shade and find it fast.

poppy the westie hides from mr sun

Once I cooled enough it was time to explore further into the town. The further you go into town the cooler it gets, perfect.

poppy the westie in the back lanes of Rovinj

Shady lanes and a billion smells what’s not to like. Poppys is beginning to like Rovinj.

poppy the westie explore Arno Longo Rovinj

Best of all is the cool holes in the walls that let the sea breeze flow through your fur, dashed clever these.

poppy the westie in wind tunnel Rovinj

We plodded back to Betsy to get out of the mid-day sun. Good dad carried me where there was no shade and plopped me down at the slipway to cool my feet. This is my favourite bit of the walk back to Betsy.

poppy the westie on the slipway at rovinj

After a lazy afternoon it was back into town for food. We were going to the Osteria Tutto Bene. The walk into town is quite long but at least its nearly all off leash.

poppy the westie heads into Rovinj

When we got there they were not ready for us. A nice lady across the street said we could use her table and chairs until a table became ready. The nice lady was indeed very nice, she even gave me some treats while I was waiting. Rovinj is growing on me.

poppy the westie makes friends in Rovinj

Mum and Dad liked their dinner. For me denti stick and a bit of fish YUM. No squidees though.

poppy the westie waits for dinner to come at tutto bene

It was dark when we left, the peoplesees in the square chattered over their food and glasses clinked. Everybody seemed happy and unhurried. Slow walk back to Betsy?

poppy the westie after dinner rovinj

The streets were deserted, never saw a soul. I suppose that’s because they are all still eating.

poppy the westie in deserted Rovinj

On the way back Mr Sun had went to sleep but still tinged the sky with an orange glow. Boats bobbed in the bay, it was their bed time too.

boat in the bay at dusk Rovinj

Just as we were getting to camp we passed a restaurant, how about there for dinner one night? Less of a walk, no?

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