Bale, Vodnijan and Vrsar
Betsy woke from her five day slumber and pulled out of camp. We were soon back on the open road. As we left Rovinj Betsy pulled in for a big drink of diesel, Dad said it was cheaper here about the same as back home. All filled up she was off again into the Croatian countryside. After a while she came to a halt at a place called Bale. Dad was happy because there was plenty of space for Betsy to rest. We bailed out and headed up to the village. When we got there an old gate faved us. Mmmmmm though here then.

I was wandering down a lane when I heard barking, mmm who does he think he is? “Well its his home Poppy” said dad as he put my leash on.

In the centre of the village a huge tower rose up into sky. It was next to a church but not part of it. Funny how they build churches here Dad.

Anyway, plenty more smells to discover. We left the church square to grumpy dog and explored more of the village all the streets were narrow.

It was a nice wee village. It never had many shops but it did have lots of cafes and a few galleries. Dad noticed it had no pubs. Dad, you would be able to get daft juice from the cafes. Soon we were back where we started in the main square.

Well I think we have seen all there is to see, Back to Betsy?

Betsy set off again along the country roads, she was heading to a place called Vodnijan. All was going well until the voice from the phone took Betsy into a very busy street. The peoplesees were not happy to see her, one shook his head and raised his fist at her. She carefully made her way to the town square. This is when the voice in the phone stopped talking. Dad said “We cant stop here we will have to find away out”. Every street we went down got narrower and narrower. Besty had to pull in her mirrors to get past the buildings that were getting closer and closer. Finally after a bit of a wriggle she was free. She found a place to recover and we went to explore.

The streets where narrow shaded and quite quiet. Suits Poppys.

Soon we were in the main square where the voice in the phone said arrived. The phone must have thought we were disabled because that was the only resting places in the square. Dad, we were here just a few moments ago, where did all the people go?
Leaving the square, dad spotted the street that poor Betsy had go down to escape the town. “That was a tight squeeze” he said.
We found the main street where Betsy entered the town. Again it was empty. Where on earth has all the peoplesees went Mum? It was mobbed when we came in. “Perhaps they all went to church Poppy” she said. Mmmmm it was a big church.
Apart from the man who shook his fist at Betsy it was a nice wee town to explore. Lots of wee lanes and plenty of new smells.
I thought it was still a bit weird to have the town almost all to ourselves. Well, we have seen at all back to Betsy?
Back in Betsy we were off again. This time we were heading to Vrsar where betsy would be staying for a week. The drive to Vrsar was easy and soon Betsy was all setup for the week.
We soon settled into camp. Betsy’s spot was quite good, close to the beach. Even better it was a doggy beach so I was right in there. After a paddle I got comfy in camp.
It was a long day and with the heat it was taking its toll. Time for a nap.
It was good to relax and as Mr Sun started to go to bed we sat outside until he finally called it a day.