Another Place and Liver Birds
It was very dark when I got up this morning, worse it was freezing cold. Dad put a coat on me to go out for our morning walk. As we got back instead of going into our house, we crossed the street and got into Blue. Mum was already sitting in the drivers seat and as soon as Dad strapped in we were off. Where we off to? “Liverpool Poppy” said Mum. “Its been 8 and a half years since you have been there poppy, last time you were a tiny wee pup”. Mmmm don’t remember Liverpools. I curled up on dad and went back to sleeps.
It must have been a while because as Blue slowed down to a stop it was daytime. Big Yawnsees, Big Stretchees. We here then? I got out the car and immediately smelled the sea. Has Liverpools got a beach then? “We are not in Liverpool yet Poppy this is Crosby Beach” said mum, Oh OK then. It was nice having sand beneath my paws again. It was then I spotted it. Grrrrrrrrrrrr Grrrrrrrrrrrrr GRRRRRRRRR. “It’s OK poppy its not real. It’s the same as the one on Saddel Bay” said Dad. Mmmmmm not convinced.

We walked further along the beach and there was another of them, then another, then another. There must be an army of them.

Apart from the strange metal men the beach was really nice, windy but nice. It would be great here in the summer time. Nice firm sand perfect for ball.

All walked out we went back into Blue and were off again. Blue found the hotel we were staying at and better still found a great place to rest, right at the front door. After an issue with getting into the room we dumped our stuff and went to explore.

We were trying to get to the ferry across the Mersey on the way there was a big que of people. What they waiting for Mum? “They want to get their photo taken beside the Beatles Statue”. Mmmm who would want a photo beside some beetles, daftys.

Well the ferry was a disaster. Ends up you can only get it before 9 and after 5. Since we were going out for din dins at 5 it was a no go. We plodded back to the hotel to get ready for dinner.

We were going to a place called Revolution at the Albert Dock that was just across from the hotel. We were to be there at 4:45 because that’s the only time they could fit us in. Well it started bad when Mum and Dad were shown to their seats and soon as they sat down they got wet bums. It then got worse. The waiter then told them it would be an hours wait at least for food. Odd when we were getting kicked out after two hours. Well mum had had enough. We went back to the hotel for dinner.

Mum and dad did a disappearing act, hate when they do that. It wasn’t bad though I dot a denti out of it and I was sleepy anyways.